The Team PK is a leading Independent news-based website that leads the youth of Pakistan in projecting their country as a progressive nation. Our focus is to project an original image of Pakistan.

    The organization basically consists of well-educated youth from different parts of the country depicting all sheds of Pakistani culture and society without any difference of gender, race, and language.

    The Team PK is focusing news related Startups, Tourism, Food, Culture, Business, Career, and National Heroes.

    The Team PK is a self-oriented idea of few friends who wanted to tell people how beautiful Pakistan is? How beautiful its landscape? What are the challenges of Pakistan and its youth? How much talent it produce? Showcasing the life of Pakistani individuals with a patriotic lens.

    As no one can deny the crucial role of youth in developing nation and projection its image, the organization highlights Pakistani society, culture, tradition, tourism, religion and other developments through their news stories,  pictures, videos, and blogs/vlogs.

    The Team PK is a generation that is working for peace and empowers youth to promote tolerance and becoming responsible citizenship. We believe in functioning at the grassroots, supporting youth to construct nation’s strengths and to help others to transform themselves into tolerant peaceful societies without violence.

    The organization encourages youth to step in and be part of “The Team PK”

     It’s very simple

    “The team PK is basically The Team Pakistan”


    Transforming Pakistan’s Original Image


    Narrate story of Pakistan and Pakistanis’ and our ultimate goal is empower youth to lead for sustainable behavior transformation through games, arts, advocacy, dialogue, tourism, and education and career guideline


    • Promoting Pakistani
    • Giving Good News
    • Bringing behavioral change in youth
    • Engage youth in peace development
    • Encourage youth as future leaders
    • Highlighting cure issues of Pakistani Youths